Holography observation tables.
This module defines the tables:
and the constants:
A peewee model for the holographic observations. |
A peewee model for the Holography sources. |
- class ch_util.holography.HolographyObservation(*args, **kwargs)[source]
A peewee model for the holographic observations.
- source
The source that we were observing.
- Type:
foreign key
- start_time, finish_time
Start and end times of the source observation (as UNIX times).
- Type:
- notes
Any free form notes about the observation.
- Type:
- DoesNotExist
alias of
- classmethod create_from_ant_logs(logs, verbose=False, onsource_dist=0.1, notes=None, quality_flag=0, **kwargs)[source]
Read John Galt Telescope log files and create an entry in the holography database corresponding to the exact times on source
- Parameters:
logs (list of strings) – log file archives (.zip files) to pass to parse_ant_logs()
onsource_dist (float (default: 0.1)) – maximum angular distance at which to consider the Galt Telescope on source (in degrees)
- Return type:
- classmethod create_from_dict(dict, notes=None, start_tol=60.0, dryrun=True, replace_dup=False, verbose=False)[source]
Create a holography database entry from a dictionary
This routine checks for duplicates and overwrites duplicates if and only if replace_dup = True
- Parameters:
dict (dict) –
- src
A HolographySource object for the source
- start_time
Start time as a Skyfield Time object
- finish_time
Finish time as a Skyfield Time object
- src
- classmethod create_from_post_reports(logs, start_tol=60.0, dryrun=True, replace_dup=False, verbose=True, notes=None)[source]
Create holography database entry from .POST_REPORT log files generated by the nsched controller for the Galt Telescope.
- Parameters:
logs (string) – list of paths to archives. Filenames should be, eg, Must be only one period in the filename, separating the extension.
start_tol (float (optional; default: 60.)) – Tolerance (in seconds) around which to search for duplicate operations.
dryrun (boolean (optional; default: True)) – Dry run only; do not add entries to database
replace_dup (boolean (optional; default: False)) – Delete existing duplicate entries and replace. Only has effect if dry_run == False
notes (string or list of strings (optional; default: None)) – notes to be added. If a string, the same note will be added to all observations. If a list of strings (must be same length as logs), each element of the list will be added to the corresponding database entry. Nota bene: the text “Added by create_from_post_reports” with the current date and time will also be included in the notes database entry.
>>> from ch_util import holography as hl >>> import glob >>> obs = hl.HolographyObservation >>> logs = glob.glob('/path/to/logs/*JUN18*.zip') >>> obs_list, dup_obs_list, missing = ... obs.create_from_post_reports(logs, dryrun=False)
- classmethod from_lst(source, start_day, start_lst, duration_lst, quality_flag=0, notes=None)[source]
Method to initialize a HolographyObservation from a start day, start LST, and a stop day, stop LST.
- Parameters:
source (HolographySource) – An instance of HolographySource.
start_day (string) – Of format YYYMMDD-ABT, ABT can be one of (UTC, PST, PDT)
start_lst (float) – Hours and fraction of hours on a scale from 0-24.
duration (float) – Hours and fraction of hours on a scale from 0-24.
quality_flag (int, default : 0) – Flag for poor quality data. Good data is zero. Sets a bitmask in the HolographyObservation instance.
notes (string, optional) – Any notes on this observation.
- classmethod parse_ant_logs(logs, return_post_report_params=False)[source]
Unzip and parse .ANT log file output by nsched for John Galt Telescope observations
- Parameters:
logs (list of strings) –
.ZIP filenames. Each .ZIP archive should include a .ANT file and a .POST_REPORT file. This method unzips the archive, uses parse_post_report to read the .POST_REPORT file and extract the CHIME sidereal day corresponding to the DRAO sidereal day, and then reads the lines in the .ANT file to obtain the pointing history of the Galt Telescope during this observation.
(The DRAO sidereal day is days since the clock in Ev Sheehan’s office at DRAO was reset. This clock is typically only reset every few years, but it does not correspond to any defined date, so the date must be figured out from the .POST_REPORT file, which reports both the DRAO sidereal day and the UTC date and time.
Known reset dates: 2017-11-21, 2019-3-10)
- Returns:
if output_params == False –
- ant_data: A dictionary consisting of lists containing the LST,
hour angle, RA, and dec (all as Skyfield Angle objects), CHIME sidereal day, and DRAO sidereal day.
if output_params == True – output_params: dictionary returned by parse_post_report and ant_data: described above
the .ANT and .POST_REPORT files in the input .zip archive are
extracted into /tmp/26mlog/<loginname>/
- classmethod parse_post_report(post_report_file)[source]
read a .POST_REPORT file from the nsched program which controls the John Galt Telescope and extract the source name, estimated start time, DRAO sidereal day, commanded duration, and estimated finish time
- Parameters:
post_report_file (str) – path to the .POST_REPORT file to read
- Returns:
output_params –
- output_params[‘src’]HolographySource object or string
If the source is a known source in the holography database, return the HolographySource object. If not, return the name of the source as a string
- output_params[‘SID’]int
DRAO sidereal day at the beginning of the observation
- output_params[‘start_time’]skyfield time object
UTC time at the beginning of the observation
- output_params[‘DURATION’]float
Commanded duration of the observation in sidereal hours
- output_params[‘finish_time’]skyfield time object
Calculated UTC time at the end of the observation Calculated as start_time + duration * caput.time.SIDEREAL_S
- Return type:
- class ch_util.holography.HolographySource(*args, **kwargs)[source]
A peewee model for the Holography sources.
- name
Unique name for the source. Be careful to avoid duplicates.
- Type:
- ra, dec
ICRS co-ordinates of the source.
- Type:
- DoesNotExist
alias of