Tools for noise injection data
Converts a vector into an outer product matrix and vectorizes its upper triangle to obtain a vector in same format as the CHIME visibility matrix. |
Converts gain array to CHIME visibility format for all frequencies and time frames. |
Generates correlation product indices for selected channels. |
Khatri-Rao or column-wise Kronecker product of two matrices. |
Vectorizes its upper triangle of the (hermitian) matrix A. |
Implementation of the Alternating Least Squares algorithm for noise injection. |
Basic algorithm to compute gains and evalues from noise injection data. |
Computes gains and evalues from noise injection visibility data. |
Processes fast gating data and turns it into gated form. |
Turn a synced noise source observation into gated form. |
Sorts eigenvalue array by magnitude for all frequencies and time frames |
Removes sky and system noise contributions from noise injection visibility data. |
Recovers a hermitian matrix a from its upper triangle vectorized version. |
Provides analysis utilities for CHIME noise injection data. |
- ch_util.ni_utils.gains2utvec(g)[source]
Converts a vector into an outer product matrix and vectorizes its upper triangle to obtain a vector in same format as the CHIME visibility matrix.
- Parameters:
g (1d array) – gain vector
- Return type:
1d array with vectorized form of upper triangle for the outer product of g
- ch_util.ni_utils.gains2utvec_tf(gains)[source]
Converts gain array to CHIME visibility format for all frequencies and time frames.
For every frequency and time frame, converts a gain vector into an outer product matrix and then vectorizes its upper triangle to obtain a vector in the same format as the CHIME visibility matrix.
Converting the gain arrays to CHIME visibility format makes easier to apply the gain corrections to the visibility data. See example below.
- Parameters:
gains (3d array) – Input array with the gains for all frequencies, channels and time frames in the fromat of ni_gains_evalues_tf. g has dimensions [frequency, channels, time].
- Returns:
G_ut – Output array with dimmensions [frequency, corr. number, time]. For every frequency and time frame, contains the vectorized form of upper triangle for the outer product of the respective gain vector.
- Return type:
3d array
To compute the gains from a set of noise injection pass0 data and apply the gains to the visibilities run:
>>> from ch_util import andata >>> from ch_util import import ni_utils as ni >>> data = andata.Reader('/data/20140916T173334Z_blanchard_corr/000[0-3]*.h5') >>> readdata = >>> nidata = ni.ni_data(readdata, 16) >>> nidata.get_ni_gains() >>> G_ut = ni.gains2utvec(nidata.ni_gains) >>> corrected_vis = nidata.vis_off_dec/G_ut
See also
- ch_util.ni_utils.gen_prod_sel(channels_to_select, total_N_channels)[source]
Generates correlation product indices for selected channels.
For a correlation matrix with total_N_channels total number of channels, generates indices for correlation products corresponding to channels in the list channels_to_select.
- Parameters:
channels_to_select (list of integers) – Indices of channels to select
total_N_channels (int) – Total number of channels
- Returns:
prod_sel – indices of correlation products for channels in channels_to_select
- Return type:
- ch_util.ni_utils.ktrprod(A, B)[source]
Khatri-Rao or column-wise Kronecker product of two matrices.
A and B have the same number of columns
- Parameters:
A (2d array)
B (2d array)
- Returns:
C – Khatri-Rao product of A and B
- Return type:
2d array
- ch_util.ni_utils.mat2utvec(A)[source]
Vectorizes its upper triangle of the (hermitian) matrix A.
- Parameters:
A (2d array) – Hermitian matrix
- Return type:
1d array with vectorized form of upper triangle of A
if A is a 3x3 matrix then the output vector is outvector = [A00, A01, A02, A11, A12, A22]
See also
- ch_util.ni_utils.ni_als(R, g0, Gamma, Upsilon, maxsteps, abs_tol, rel_tol, weighted_als=True)[source]
Implementation of the Alternating Least Squares algorithm for noise injection.
Implements the Alternating Least Squares algorithm to recover the system gains, sky covariance matrix and system output noise covariance matrix from the data covariance matrix R. All the variables and definitions are as in
- Parameters:
R (2d array) – Data covariance matrix
g0 (1d array) – First estimate of system gains
Gamma (2d array) – Matrix that characterizes parametrization of sky covariance matrix
Upsilon (2d array) – Matrix characterizing parametrization of system noise covariance matrix
maxsteps (int) – Maximum number of iterations
abs_tol (float) – Absolute tolerance on error function
rel_tol (float) – Relative tolerance on error function
weighted_als (bool) – If True, perform weighted ALS
- Returns:
g (1d array) – System gains
C (2d array) – Sky covariance matrix
N (2d array) – System output noise covariance matrix
err (1d array) – Error function for every step
See also
- class ch_util.ni_utils.ni_data(Reader_read_obj, Nadc_channels, adc_ch_ref=None, fbin_ref=None)[source]
Provides analysis utilities for CHIME noise injection data.
This is just a wrapper for all the utilities created in this module.
- Parameters:
Reader_read_obj ( like object) – Contains noise injection data. Must have ‘vis’ and ‘timestamp’ property. Assumed to contain all the Nadc_channels*(Nadc_channels+1)/2 correlation products, in chime’s canonical vector, for an Nadc_channels x Nadc_channels correlation matrix
Nadc_channels (int) – Number of channels read in Reader_read_obj
adc_ch_ref (int in the range 0 <= adc_ch_ref <= Nadc_channels-1) – Reference channel (used to find on/off points).
fbin_ref (int in the range) – 0 <= fbin_ref <= np.size(Reader_read_obj.vis, 0)-1 Reference frequency bin (used to find on/off points).
- subtract_sky_noise : Removes sky and system noise contributions from noise
injection visibility data.
- get_ni_gains : Solve for gains from decimated sky-and-noise-subtracted
- get_als_gains : Compute gains, sky and system noise covariance matrices from
a combination of noise injection gains and point source gains
Processes raw noise injection data so it is ready to compute gains.
- get_als_gains()[source]
Compute gains, sky and system noise covariance matrices from a combination of noise injection gains and point source gains
- get_ni_gains(normalize_vis=False, masked_channels=None)[source]
Computes gains and evalues from noise injection visibility data.
See also
list of integers channels which are not considered in the calculation of the gains.
- ch_util.ni_utils.ni_gains_evalues(C, normalize_vis=False)[source]
Basic algorithm to compute gains and evalues from noise injection data.
C is a correlation matrix from which the gains are calculated. If normalize_vis = True, the visibility matrix is weighted by the diagonal matrix that turns it into a crosscorrelation coefficient matrix before the gain calculation. The eigenvalues are not sorted. The returned gain solution vector is normalized (LA.norm(g) = 1.)
- Parameters:
C (2d array) – Data covariance matrix from which the gains are calculated. It is assumed that both the sky and system noise contributions have already been subtracted using noise injection
normalize_vis (bool) – If True, the visibility matrix is weighted by the diagonal matrix that turns it into a crosscorrelation coefficient matrix before the gain calculation.
- Returns:
g (1d array) – Noise injection gains
ev (1d array) – Noise injection eigenvalues
See also
- ch_util.ni_utils.ni_gains_evalues_tf(vis_gated, Nchannels, normalize_vis=False, vis_on=None, vis_off=None, niter=0)[source]
Computes gains and evalues from noise injection visibility data.
Gains and eigenvalues are calculated for all frames and frequencies in vis_gated. The returned gain solution vector is normalized (LA.norm(gains[f, :, t]) = 1.)
- Parameters:
vis_gated (3d array) – Visibility array in chime’s canonical format. vis_gated has dimensions [frequency, corr. number, time]. It is assumed that both the sky and system noise contributions have already been subtracted using noise injection.
Nchannels (int) – Order of the visibility matrix (number of channels)
normalize_vis (bool) – If True, then the visibility matrix is weighted by the diagonal matrix that turns it into a crosscorrelation coefficient matrix before the gain calculation.
vis_on (3d array) – If input and normalize_vis is True, then vis_gated is weighted by the diagonal elements of the matrix vis_on. vis_on must be the same shape as vis_gated.
vis_off (3d array) – If input and normalize_vis is True, then vis_gated is weighted by the diagonal elements of the matrix: vis_on = vis_gated + vis_off. vis_off must be the same shape as vis_gated. Keyword vis_on supersedes keyword vis_off.
niter (0) – Number of iterations to perform. At each iteration, the diagonal elements of vis_gated are replaced with their rank 1 approximation. If niter == 0 (default), then no iterations are peformed and the autocorrelations are used instead.
- Returns:
gains (3d array) – Noise injection gains
evals (3d array) – Noise injection eigenvalues
tools.normalise_correlations, tools.eigh_no_diagonal
See also
- ch_util.ni_utils.process_gated_data(data, only_off=False)[source]
Processes fast gating data and turns it into gated form.
- Parameters:
data (andata.CorrData) – Correlator data with noise source switched synchronously with the integration.
only_off (boolean) – Only return the off dataset. Do not return gated datasets.
- Returns:
newdata (andata.CorrData) – Correlator data folded on the noise source.
For now the correlator only supports fast gating with one gate
(gated_vis1) and 50% duty cycle. The vis dataset contains on+off
and the gated_vis1 contains on-off. This function returns a new
andata object with vis containing the off data only and gated_vis1
as in the original andata object. The attribute
’gpu.gpu_intergration_period’ is divided by 2 since during an
integration half of the frames have on data.
- ch_util.ni_utils.process_synced_data(data, ni_params=None, only_off=False)[source]
Turn a synced noise source observation into gated form.
This will decimate the visibility to only the noise source off bins, and will add 1 or more gated on-off dataset according to the specification in doclib:5.
- Parameters:
data (andata.CorrData) – Correlator data with noise source switched synchronously with the integration.
ni_params (dict) – Dictionary with the noise injection parameters. Optional for data after ctime=1435349183. ni_params has the following keys - ni_period: Noise injection period in GPU integrations. It is assummed to be the same for all the enabled noise sources - ni_on_bins: A list of lists, one per enabled noise source, with the corresponding ON gates (within a period). For each noise source, the list contains the indices of the time frames for which the source is ON. Example: For 3 GPU integration period (3 gates: 0, 1, 2), two enabled noise sources, one ON during gate 0, the other ON during gate 1, and both OFF during gate 2, then
` ni_params = {'ni_period':3, 'ni_on_bins':[[0], [1]]} `
only_off (boolean) – Only return the off dataset. Do not return gated datasets.
- Returns:
newdata (andata.CorrData) – Correlator data folded on the noise source.
- The function assumes that the fpga frame counter, which is used to
determine the noise injection gating parameters, is unwrapped.
- For noise injection data before ctime=1435349183 (i.e. for noise
injection data before 20150626T200540Z_pathfinder_corr) the noise
injection information is not in the headers so this function cannot be
used to determine the noise injection parameters. A different method is
required. Although it is recommended to check the data directly in this
case, the previous version of this function assumed that
ni_params = {‘ni_period’ (2, ‘ni_on_bins’:[[0],]})
for noise injection data before ctime=1435349183. Although this is not
always true, it is true for big old datasets like pass1g.
Use the value of ni_params recommended above to reproduce the
results of the old function with the main old datasets.
- Data (visibility, gain and weight datasets) are averaged for all the
off gates within the noise source period, and also for all the on
gates of each noise source.
- For the time index map, only one timestamp per noise period is kept
(no averaging)
- ch_util.ni_utils.sort_evalues_mag(evalues)[source]
Sorts eigenvalue array by magnitude for all frequencies and time frames
- Parameters:
evalues (3d array) – Array of evalues. Its shape is [Nfreqs, Nevalues, Ntimeframes]
- Returns:
ev – Array of same shape as evalues
- Return type:
3d array
- ch_util.ni_utils.subtract_sky_noise(vis, Nchannels, timestamp, adc_ch_ref, fbin_ref)[source]
Removes sky and system noise contributions from noise injection visibility data.
By looking at the autocorrelation of the reference channel adc_ch_ref for frequency bin fbin_ref, finds timestamps indices for which the signal is on and off. For every noise signal period, the subcycles with the noise signal on and off are averaged separatedly and then subtracted.
It is assumed that there are at least 5 noise signal cycles in the data. The first and last noise on subcycles are discarded since those cycles may be truncated.
- Parameters:
vis (3d array) – Noise injection visibility array in chime’s canonical format. vis has dimensions [frequency, corr. number, time].
Nchannels (int) – Order of the visibility matrix (number of channels)
timestamp (1d array) – Timestamps for the visibility array vis
adc_ch_ref (int in the range 0 <= adc_ch_ref <= N_channels-1) – Reference channel (typically, but not necessaritly the channel corresponding to the directly injected noise signal) used to find timestamps indices for which the signal is on and off. on and off.
fbin_ref (int in the range 0 <= fbin_ref <= np.size(vis, 0)-1) – frequency bin used to find timestamps indices for which the signal is on and off
- Returns:
A dictionary with keys
time_index_on (1d array) – timestamp indices for noise signal on.
time_index_off (1d array) – timestamp indices for noise signal off.
timestamp_on_dec (1d array) – timestamps for noise signal on after averaging.
timestamp_off_dec (1d array) – timestamps for noise signal off after averaging.
timestamp_dec (1d array) – timestamps for visibility data after averaging and subtracting on and off subcycles. These timestaps represent the time for every noise cycle and thus, these are the timestaps for the gain solutions.
vis_on_dec (3d array) – visibilities for noise signal on after averaging.
vis_off_dec (3d array) – visibilities for noise signal off after averaging.
vis_dec_sub (3d array) – visibilities data after averaging and subtracting on and off subcycles.
cor_prod_ref (int) – correlation index corresponding to the autocorrelation of the reference channel
- ch_util.ni_utils.utvec2mat(n, utvec)[source]
Recovers a hermitian matrix a from its upper triangle vectorized version.
- Parameters:
n (int) – order of the output hermitian matrix
utvec (1d array) – vectorized form of upper triangle of output matrix
- Returns:
A – hermitian matrix
- Return type:
2d array